Monday, November 26, 2007

How am I going to Sleep without the T.V.?

Are you afraid of the dark and the only way you can get a good night sleep is by keeping the tv on at night then you're not alone. I planned to start my media deprivation assignment on Saturday from 12:00 am to 12:00 am but I had a huge problem, I was trying to figure out how to get to sleep without my television. I had been sleeping with the tv on every night for the past 7-8 years. I stopped this past January but all of a sudden I felt like I needed to sleep with the tv on. I forgot so when I woke up at 1 am on Saturday I realized that I had a huge problem. I decided to let the tv stay on and just start my project once I woke up for the second time. I put my remote next to my head so that I could just turn the tv off as soon as a woke up, which is what I did. I even put a post it up like one of the students in the article.

It was not that hard the rest of the day not to watch tv, well except for the fact that my mom wanted me to. I did not know until Thursday that my mom wanted us to stay the weekend with my grandfather. My grandmothers house is very quite and all my mom wanted to do was watch tv and talk about people and I had to keep telling her no. While we were in the car Saturday on our way to the mall my mom wanted to listen to this cd but she couldn't because I was in the car. Then I could not even go inside the store with my sister because they play music videos in the American Eagle.

When we got to my grandfathers house my mom and I played games and talked. Then my cousin came over with her son and he wanted to watch tv which meant that I had to leave the room and read a book. They did not watch tv for long and they called me down to play scrabble, which I beat mommy in by 7 points. It was not really that hard for me to be without media because I have done it many times before just spending days reading books. The only reason why it was a little difficult was because I wanted to sleep with the tv on and because my mom wanted to watch tv with me at grannys house. I survived my 24 hours without any source of media!

Monday, November 5, 2007

T.V. or Print

While reading “Two Cultures—Television Versus Print” it took me awhile to determine which side I was on. There is a difference between seeing something visually like on TV than when reading text. Sometimes seeing is believing. I like the part about the children of Israel creating the pagan image of God. In order for the children of Israel (because of their lack of faith) to believe that God existed in the circumstances that they were in; they had to see God in order to believe that their promise was on its way.

The only time I disagreed with Paglia was when she said that “In the beginning was nature.” From a Christian standpoint according to the Bible in the beginning was the word. God’s words are what brought about nature from my point of view. What I liked about the article was when words were shown of the foods eaten. For me, there was a chain reaction. I saw the word on the paper, then saw it in my head, and afterwards started to salivate because I could taste the image in my mouth. If I had not known what the foods looked like visually there would probably not have been a response to the words. I agreed for the most part with what Paglia had to say because of that fact. However, I do believe that they agreed on many topics and Postman had a lot to say.

Monday, October 15, 2007


The lights are dimmed, there’re dark shadows on the wall, it is about midnight and the Count Nosferatu is hungry. The dinner scene in the film Nosferatu is simply the best. No one but the Count Nosferatu and Jonathon the real-estate agent are sitting at the dinner table. According to the Count Nosferatu, the help had retired for the night. The funny part about this scene is how Jonathon is eating dinner alone as the Count watches him do so with anticipation. I wish they would have shown Nosfeartu’s mouth or at least him showing his teeth and licking his lips that would have been hilarious. Nosferatu pretends to be reading the evening paper put he really is not; he watches Jonathon’s every move. All we can see is Nosfeartu’s eyes with big black circles around them. Facial expressions were crucial in the movie so that the viewer could get a feel of what was going on. The Count looked like he was up to something and Jonathon looked as if he did not care. Had Nosferatu not had that creepy look on his face we would have not gotten the same feel.

Jonathan does not seem afraid at all while he eats his food. The camera zooms in on the bread and the knife. Jonathon has this nervous look on his face and he decides he wants a slice of bread. However he becomes frightened when he heard the granddaddy clock go off when it struck midnight. There was a shadow around the clock and nothing else is visible and this is how we know something is about to happen. Jonathon’s eyes are fixed on the clock. I believe it was because that is when the vampire Nosferatu usually attacks his prey. While Jonathon is cutting the bread he accidentally cuts himself and blood appears. Nosferatu slowly gets up from the table and is drawn like a moth to a flame to Jonathon’s cut finger. When Jonathon decides to wipe the blood away the count puts up his big hands with his bony fingers to stop him. Nosferatu really starts to act strange even though he had been strange when he and Jonathon first me. The Count becomes even more excited than he had been earlier in the scene when he was watching Jonathon eat. Nosferatu begins to walk towards Jonathon and begins to say “Blood, your precious blood.” Nosferatu then grabs Jonathon’s finger and Jonathon quickly pulls it away from him. Jonathon looks terrified and does not say anything. Jonathon realizes that something is wrong and he gets up from the table and begins to slowly back up. If you notice when Jonathon gets up the Count is huge and overpowering. Jonathon is so afraid that when he begins to back up he trips on the chair and on the stair. He even sits down when the Count bows for him to do so and Jonathon does not blink at all but his eyes are fixed on Nosferatu.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Racism in the Media: The Past, The Present, and The Future

The topic of racism is touchy and most of the statements made are of my personal opinion. I apologize in advance for leaving out any minority group that is not mentioned or for making any statement that is against your beliefs. However, I really just wanted to focus on African Americans and I’m writing about what I believe to be true.

Ghetto, lazy, loud and boisterous, savaging, conniving, thieving, ignorant, watermelon-chicken loving people; those are just a few examples in which the media portrays African Americans. These stereotypes have affected the ways that people view African Americans as well as in the ways that African Americans view themselves. As stated in the film Ethnic Notions by Marlon Riggs “after seeing those images so much, black people begin to look that way even though they are not.” Such images as stated at the beginning have been implanted into our society and are the foundations to which African Americans are viewed in the majority of other people’s minds. Throughout history, the media whether it has been through cartoons, music, films, commercials, books, etc. African Americans have been depicted in negative ways.

The scrutiny of African Americans in the past is similar to the same ways in which we are presented now, but just not in an over exaggerated way. Some of the avenues used mostly post slavery were movies, books, and in cartoons. It might not be well known but in the 1920’s and 1930’s cartoons were frequently used to stereotype African Americans. These images were made for people to laugh at and they were shown to those mostly influenced by their environment, children. In one Warner Brother episode Bugs Bunny pretends to be in black face and his dialect is that of a tongue tied black person. Even today cartoons such as The Simpson’s, Boondocks, and South Park are racially charged.

Being an African American woman is already hard enough, so why does the media show us in such a bad way? I am not a neck rolling, loud mouth woman who wants to control everyone and everything around her. I might be a little defensive at times but it is because society has conditioned me to be that way, but I do not believe that all black women fall into one of those categories. The earlier images of black women were that of the fat woman, cooking and cleaning, being a Mammie protecting the whites she worked for. Hattie McDaniel was criticized for the roles she played because it made black women look bad. The image of the Mammie is still seen today even though she does not wear her hair up in a bandanna saying yes boss. Before I chose my topic I was watching Hannah Montana and in the episode Hannah’s nanny was short, black, loud, controlling and protective of Hannah. I was offended when I saw it and I thought about how black women are viewed and the reason that they are viewed in that manner is because of the media.

Flicking through the channels I decide to see what is on the news and guess who the reporters are interviewing at the scene of a crime; an inarticulate, toothless, messed up looking African American. Every time I watch the news and something bad happens in a black area that is what I see and it makes me so upset. That example is something that my mother and I talk about frequently and that type of figure gives blacks as a whole a bad image. I actually become embarrassed because that one person is a representation of all of us in the black community whether others choose to agree or disagree. I believe that those in charge (whites) like to show blacks at their lowest point. The show Cops is also a very good example. In one episode police officers went into a low income black neighborhood with a truck full of food. In the sting operation young African American men were arrested for taking some of the food off of the truck. Many watching the show might have thought of the young males as thieves who were up to no good; however, they were put into a tough situation. Some people would say that Cops does not show a negative image of blacks, but in that one episode it seemed as if the show was deliberately setting these low income black persons up.

There is a distorted image of African Americans and this causes others to look down on us. In Literary Pan-Africanisim: History, Context, and Criticism by Dr. Christel Temple, one section of the text gave examples of how people from Africa view African Americans. From what Africans learn from the media is that blacks are lazy, thieves, drug dealers, and good for nothing. The images shown in Africa of black Americans are negative. I read a story once of an African American going to Africa and how the Africans would refer to him as the N word and to females as the B word. The African American asked the African why he used those words and the African said it was because that is what he saw on television.

The media has just begun to show African Americans in a more positive spotlight but more has to be done. There are not that many black shows on television and if they are good shows with positive characters the shows do not last long. Other avenues of media like music and film are still not showing blacks in a good way. Media biases are havocking in the black community. What people do not realize is that the media is a subtle influence and it does affect us subconsciously. Those in charge put out certain images so that they can remain on top. I believe that things are changing even though they are changing in a slow pace. Hopefully we will see more positive images of blacks in the media one day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Media Overload

Everywhere I turn it is all around me. It seems like I can never escape it no matter how hard I try. I try going into my room and locking the door, it is there. I get into my car and drive off, it is still there. It is even in the bathroom with me when I think I am all alone. What is it you are asking, media. Media is something that consumes us and no matter how hard we try to get away from it, it is always around.

Different outputs of media include; radio, newspapers, movies, books, magazines, internet, and my favorite the television. The television has to be the most popular one in my opinion because it includes almost everything. I can turn on my television and listen to music, watch the news, and listen to what is going on in the world. The television encompasses so many things. Growing up I can remember watching television for hours at a time. I thought I was going to die when my mom told me that I was punished and that I could not watch television. The only thing that I could do was to stay in my room and read Goosebumps books. I was happy once she told me that my punishment was over. I felt free. I could finally be a part of society once again.

My media habits from when I was a child to now have definitely changed. When I was younger all I would ever want to do besides reading R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps, was to watch television, go to the movies, and listen to music. I still read, watch television, go to the movies, and listen to music, but not as much as I use to. Going to the movies when I was a child was a big thing, because I would go about every weekend. Now, since I have to pay for myself I go when I can afford to.

I have not been able to really sit down and watch television since school has started because my television is not working and because I am on the go. I still listen to music about every day and all day, but not the same type of music that I listened to growing up. I use to listen to a lot of rap, r&b, jazz, classical, and pop. However, for the past couple of years I listen mostly to gospel and maybe a little bit of everything else except for rap.

My media habits in the future may change even more. The older I get the less television I watch and the more reading (books) I do. I am also more aware of the types of media I consume, which is more positive than it use to be. All I am really worried about now is news in the U.S. For me to go a day in the world without media would be suicidal.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Who am I? Why am I here?

Hello everyone, my name is Tonja Rice. I am a 20 year old junior at UMBC and my major is Psychology. It seems like I can write about anything except when it comes down to writing something about me. I guess that I can start out by saying that I am so excited about this fall semester and even though the work load is going to be a little heavy, I know that I am going to have a blast!

Now, I am going to be perfectly honest with you all when I say that I am taking AMST 222 because I only need one more AH. I really wanted to get into GWST 322 Women and the Media: Myths, Images, and Voices; unfortunately that class was closed. Even though I am not in GWST I think that I am really going to like AMST 222 because I think that learning about different types of media, what goes on in the media, and how it affects our society is intriguing. I think that this class will open me up more when it comes down to looking at different types of media, such as different types of music and magazines.

As I have already stated in class I LOVE horror movies and mysteries. I actually like the feeling I get when I am afraid then how I feel afterwards if that makes any since. One of my favorite movies of all time is Rear Window, which was produced by Alfred Hitchcock. I can kind of relate to James Stewart in the movie because I am always trying to know what is going on around me. Nosey, that is one thing I do not consider myself to be, well maybe just a little. Even though I know what is going on all around me I make sure that I keep my mouth shut.

I live to help people and I usually do so in practical ways and when I am not doing so I feel useless. I am also a workaholic who loves being on the run. It is kind of hard for me to sit still for too long. Those around me consider me to be motherly, weird, and reliable. Right now I am still trying to figure out what I want to do with my B.A. I would love to teach and also counsel, but I am still trying to map my life out.